The power of Excel

Are you getting the most out of Excel? Excel is a powerful tool that most people use for displaying data nicely. You can display data in tables, format data using color/size, and organize data to display it in a readable way. However, did you know that Excel can be used to filter, sort, and display data to help you get the most out of data analytics?

Here are some useful things you can use Excel for:

Filtering data

  1. Highlight all cells, and click Data > Filter to enable the Filter function.
  2. Then click at the filter icon on the column you want to filter on, and select Text Filters > Contains.
  3. In the Custom AutoFilter dialog, you can specify the text you want to filter based on.
  4. Click OK. Then only the rows which contain the text string you specified are displayed.

Sorting data

  1. Select one cell in the column you want to sort.
  2. On the Excel Ribbon, click the Data tab.
  3. Click Sort A to Z (smallest to largest) or Sort Z to A (largest to smallest)
  4. Before you do anything else, check the data, to ensure that the rows have sorted correctly.

Delete Text Before Or After Character By Formula In Excel

  1. To remove text before a comma with the data contained in cell A1, select cell A2 and type this formula =RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(“,”,A1)) into it, and press Enter key
  2. To remove text after a comma with the data contained in cell A1, select cell A2 and type this formula =LEFT(A1,FIND(“,”,A1)-1).
  3. To apply the same filter to the remaining data in column A, click and hold the Fill Handle (small black box) on cell A2 and drag down to the range where your data stops.

These are just some of the most underutilized functions in Excel that provide powerful data manipulation. CBTech Support has years of knowledge in supporting user applications. Our clients have this knowledge at their disposal via a phone call away as we offer unlimited remote helpdesk support. Contact us to learn how you can have an IT department, with this and many other benefits, available to your company