Tag: windows

Password Managers

So many *choose your own explicative* passwords to remember with different requirements!!! Ugh, there must be a way to remember them all without writing them on post-it notes!! Hello Password Manager! What is a password manager and why should I use one? According to Wikipedia, a password manager “assists in generating and retrieving complex passwords, […]

Buying A Computer For School

Mom, Dad, I need you to buy me a computer for school. What?! What happened to textbooks? Schools are requiring computers to complete classwork, homework, and research. We are often asked what computer is best for this purpose, so we decided to write about it. When deciding to buy a new computer for school, or […]

Low disk space – Performance factors

Did you know that the amount of free disk space on your hard drive can impact the operation of your computer? Over time, your hard drive will consume more and more disk space and eventually get to the point where it impacts your computer’s performance. Typically, this isn’t an issue unless you’re storing a lot […]

Is your computer running slow?

You buy a new computer and it’s lightning fast. You’re so excited and your productivity on the computer is allowing you to get things done fast. Over time your computer slows down. You are no longer as productive and you seem to need to wait for your computer to catch up to you. The slowness […]

Do you snap?

Did you know that Windows has a feature called Snap? It allows you to easily open two windows side by side on a single monitor. For example, if you are trying to compare two documents, rather than flipping back and forth between them you can use the Snap feature to open them side by side. […]

Catching a Phish: What is phishing?

Phishing is an email scam designed to trick the recipient in to giving valuable information to a hacker. Have you ever received invoices claiming money owed, unsolicited UPS or FedEx shipping notifications, or emails claiming your online bank password needs to be reset? These are phishing emails trying to reel you in by imitating legitimate […]