Tag: cybersecurity

How to avoid tax-time scams

It’s everyone’s favorite time of year again: Tax Time! And along with all the fun gathering of documents, numbers, and other records, comes the usual spike in malicious email and phone calls. Each year, the IRS keeps a list of the top 12 tax scams that it calls the “Dirty Dozen”. Here is 2018’s list: […]

Be wary of that email!

Let’s face it: we spend far too much time each day dealing with email, especially in a business. It is then no surprise that the most prolific attack vector against a person or company is via email. So why don’t we have ways to stop this completely? The simple answer is: human nature. Remember the […]

MFA is a necessity today.

Why do I have to get a txt message to sign into systems/services? What happened to just entering my username and password? Answer, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If your systems aren’t using MFA, then you should enable them and start using it. Why? Email is still the number one way hackers are gaining access to sensitive […]

Account Takeover and Prevention

Over the past few months we’ve seen a new security attack gain popularity: Account Takeover (ATO). Account Takeover is when an attacker steals a user’s username and password for their email account, most often an Office 365 account. The attacker tricks a user in to giving up their username and password, usually via a file […]

CBTech Tips: Common misconceptions

Many people use the same password for all accounts and think that’s ok. Whether it’s logging into their computer, a banking website, or simply signing up for something, there’s a high risk when using the same password for each. A banking website will have all the necessary security measure in place to minimize the risk […]

Catching a Phish: What is phishing?

Phishing is an email scam designed to trick the recipient in to giving valuable information to a hacker. Have you ever received invoices claiming money owed, unsolicited UPS or FedEx shipping notifications, or emails claiming your online bank password needs to be reset? These are phishing emails trying to reel you in by imitating legitimate […]

October is Cybersecurity Month

What is cybersecurity? Google defines cybersecurity as “the state of being protected against the criminal or unauthorized use of electronic data, or the measures taken to achieve this”. The technology industry uses it as an umbrella term to cover anything from the anti-virus protection on your home computer to corporate policies that define how to […]

What Is Ransomware?

Sure, you’ve heard the phrase “ransomware”, and some of its specific variants like Locky, Crypto, or WannaCry, since they’ve made headlines, but what exactly is “ransomware”? Google defines the term “ransomware” as “a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid”. That’s straightforward and […]

Ransomware Strikes Again

As you may already know, on Friday May 12th there was a massive ransomware attack that at last count has affected over 150 countries and more than 350,000 computers. It is taking advantage of a security hole in Windows that Microsoft fixed in March. Make sure your system has the latest updates installed, and that […]